get it...seagull?!?
okay great.
we journeyed to galle, a town about 3 hours away from colombo, on friday and stayed the night.
it was a gorgeous city on the coast of sri lanka and for our first meal we ate on the beach.
literally. our chairs were on the sand.
we enjoyed the coke bottles, as you can see.
we had this party animal take our picture, and we tried to give him a four spiritual laws booklet...but he gave it back, saying he was buddhist. at least we tried.
it looked like jamaica! we were in awe.
well, none of us have been to jamaica but we presume that it would look something like this.
every tuk-tuk is unique.
especially this one.
it was covered in mcdonald's toys.
o'neil took us to a dutch church that was built in the 1700's.
it was built on people's graves and had a cemetery surrounding it.
it was very interesting.
michelle and melissa tried on "elephant pants"
then we went to this gorgeous lighthouse!
near it was this huge rock you could go stand on, with no rails or anything.
it was so so cool!
the town was full of old buildings and interesting architecture, it was absolutely stunning.
then o'neil took us up on this old fort built by the dutch to see a cricket game.
it had already ended when we got up there but we stayed and enjoyed the view nonetheless!
it was between sri lanka and pakistan i believe.
it was SO beautiful!
and this is just a cool wall...
we saw a lot of areas heavily affected by the tsunami which was really devastating.
we also attended a church service that cathy spoke at. we all loved seeing her speak and the service was really different. we liked it a lot!
after we had lunch with the pastor, his wife, and his daughter, and we loved hearing about the ministry they are living out in galle! they used to work at people's church in colombo and then they were sent to galle for 2 years, but ended up staying there with the church. their story was compelling and really inspiring, so it was great to spend some time with them and learn from them.
overall it was quite the enjoyable trip and we all embraced seeing more of sri lanka!
Where's Tali in all this?
Hi Heather, Shelley and all the other gals, Hello from Canada again and love the pictures love seeing all of you! Keep healthy and keep spreading the WORD!
love ya GR MA
well sunshine. tali was ill, tragically.
Thanks Heather, Im assuming.
P.s. Its Riley. :]
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